May 2017 Meeting Minutes

Click here for PDF copy of the minutes


MAY 2017

The OPARC  May 2017 meeting was called to order by the President, Don Anhslog, and guests were welcomed and introductions were made.  Jerry Tabor welcomed new members.

A motion was made and passed to approve the minutes from the April 2017 meeting.

Treasurer’s report:

Checking – $  195.22
Savings –   $2,487.38
Cash      –   $   382.80
TOTAL –   $3,065.40

(This includes the purchase of a new trailer.)

A motion was made, seconded, and passed to accept the Treasurer’s report.

OLD BUSINESS –  A 16 ft. trailer has been purchased. After Field Day there will be a “Paint Day” to paint it.  $2,300 was approved in April to buy a trailer and to repair the smaller trailer.  Also, tires need to be replaced.  The lights work, and it comes with a fiberglass container for storage.  It does not have brakes.

The repairs on the smaller trailer – $65.00 is the expected cost for plywood to repair the floor.  This will be done before Field Day.


Field Day 2017

PIO – Scott Roberts – 150 invitations will be sent to every news and radio station in Northeast Florida, and every official in Clay County.  Also, Public Service announcements will be sent out to television and radio stations.

June 3, 2017 – Prep day for antennas and trailers.

Software to be set up by Eric Sanford, Chris White and Obie Reinhart.

There will be sign up sheets on the website for the following:

Friday set-up (moving desks, setting up desks for both radios and food)

Expected time to start arriving is 2:00 PM – until finished.

Adrian – food set-up

Jim Winfrey – antennas

Saturday set-up – immediately following breakfast at Golden Corral.

Safety officer – Jeff Kern

4 radios (includes CW) will be set up.

A GOTA station will be set up for the public only.

Information table – this will have flyers and ARRL information (volunteers to order brochures from ARRL are  Don Anhslog, Chris White, Joe Porter, and Del Ihle.

Sunday tear down.

We need to make sure the classrooms we use are left in better condition than we found them!!!!

50/50 drawing.

Meeting dismissed.