October 2018 Meeting Minutes


The Orange Park Amateur Radio Club October 2018 meeting was held at the Orange Park High School, and was opened by Don Ahlskog.  Introductions were made, visitors were welcomed, and birthdays were recognized.  A motion was made to approve the minutes as posted, it was seconded, and the motion carried.


Cash –       $    339.35
Savings    $2,325.66
Checking  $   813.12

A motion was made, voted on and passed to approve the report.

The annual audit will be done in January 2019.

QRP – Second and last Saturday of each month, 1:00 PM. Fleming Island Public Library.   Bring items for show and tell!  Ted Jahn and Obe Rienhardt are working on a project to be ready at the next meeting.

REPEATERS: Ted Jahn stated there was a repeater issue that if new software is installed some things will go away.  The machine is at Obe’s home to play around with and is currently in research mode.

A motion was made to table the digital unit until at least 75% of the club’s members have digital.  The motion was seconded and after discussion, passed.


Scott Roberts apologized to the club for the September 2018 meeting.

HAM CRAM COURSE – Scott Roberts

The current date for the next HAM CRAM course at Journey Church is November 9th-10th.  The class begins at 6:00 PM on the 9th.

The last Board meeting found an error in the club’s by-laws.  The Board would like to make a motion to change the by-laws to allow officer nominations in October.  Nominations will still be allowed in November.  A discussion was held, and the motion passed.

A report was made by Bob Meadows from the nomination committee.  A motion was made to close nominations, seconded and after discussion, a vote was held.  The motion did not pass.


The options are either Golden Corral or to have it at the high school and cater it.  A decision will be made in November.

A motion was made to sell the club’s flatbed trailer.  The motion was seconded and after a vote the motion did not pass.

A motion was made to sell the beam antennas.  The motion was seconded and after a vote the motion passed.

PROGRAM:  Chuck Helverson, Field Day 2019 Chairman.