September 2018 Meeting Minutes


The Orange Park Amateur Radio Club  September 2018 meeting was held at the Orange Park High School and was opened by Don Ahlskog.  Introductions were made, visitors were welcomed, and birthdays were recognized.  A motion was made to approve the minutes as posted, it was seconded, and the motion carried.


Cash –       $    339.35
Savings    -$2,325.66
Checking -$   754.24

A motion was made, voted on and passed to approve the report.

ARES UPDATE:   Adrian Gray reported that the repeater has the Brunswick repeater in the background at times. Be aware there are others out there.  So far there have been no deployments and that’s good news.  Reminder – Sunday night net at 7:30 PM.  The next meeting is at Pinewood Christian Academy the first Tuesday of October.

QRP – Second and last Saturday of each month, 1:00 PM. Fleming Island Public Library.   Bring items for show and tell!

REPEATERS: Working and has been reset to have a short squelch tail.


We need a new place to park them as Greg Fitcher is moving.  If you know of an available space, please contact Scott Roberts or Jim Winfrey.

HAM CRAM COURSE – Scott Roberts

The current date for the next HAM CRAM course at Journey Church is October 5 & 6.  This date may need to be reset due to scheduling conflicts. Emails will be sent out to confirm the date for this class.

Nominations for officers and board members will begin in October.  After a comment from Mark Fields regarding the bylaws, the nomination committee is as follows:  Bob Meadows, Kris Helverson, and Chris White.

Chuck Helverson, the 2019 chairman for Field Day 2019, gave suggestions for improvements, some of which are using only 4 antennas, having a band captain for each band, using 2 operators for each radio, and having a different set up for food.


A motion was made by Bob Meadows to sell the tower at a fair market price, this was seconded by Scott Roberts.  After discussion, it was decided that each section would sell at $60.