The Orange Park Amateur Radio Club April 2019 meeting was held at the Orange Park High School and was opened by Don Ahlskog. Introductions were made, visitors were welcomed, A motion was made to approve the minutes as posted, it was seconded, and the motion carried.
Webmasters note: The treasurer’s report has been omitted from the meeting minutes at the request of several of our members. If you wish to see the financial report, please see Mark Fields at one of our regular meetings.
A motion was made, voted on and passed to approve report.
Mark Fields – the club has not received the liability insurance bill as yet. He requested authorization for funds to pay when received. A motion was made, seconded and passed.
Bob Meadows made a motion to allow the Treasurer to pay bills as necessary without authorization. Motion was tabled until the monthly board meeting.
QRP – Second and last Saturday of each month, 1:00 PM. Fleming Island Public Library. Currently building pixies.
REPEATERS: Ted Jahn stated the repeaters are consistent, on the air. He’ll check repeaters at the Orange Park Hospital soon.
TESTING – Monday, May 6, 2019, at the Foundation Academy.
FIELD DAY 2019 – Chuck Helverson
Scott Roberts – PIO, radios and cables
Jim Winfrey – Antennas
Food – Berta has offered to help, as has Adrian. Others needed.
Computers – 4 laptops, 1 server, logging software. Jim Iori needs to be contacted.
Additional items needed: Gas grill(s), ice chests, generator, fire extinguisher
It would be beneficial to have a CPR trained individual on hand.
Monthly Program – Ted Jahn