The Orange Park Amateur Radio Club monthly meeting was held on May 16, 2019 at the Orange Park High School, and was opened by Club President Don Ahlskog, K4EAE. Thirty-one people were in attendance.
50/50 DRAWING – The 50/50 drawing was held.
SECRETARY’S REPORT – A motion was asked for to approve the minutes from the May 2019 meeting, as posted to the website. Treasurer Mark Fields, N4QLC made a motion to amend the wording from:
TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Mark Fields, N4QLC, provided the Treasurer’s report. Mr. Fields said that the insurance bill from the state of Florida had been paid, renewing registration for one of the club’s two trailers, for 10 years.
to read:
TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Mark Fields, N4QLC, provided the Treasurer’s report. Mr. Fields said that the insurance bill from the state of Florida had been paid, renewing registration for one of the club’s two trailers, for 1 year (the plates are good for 10 years).
The motion to amend the minutes was seconded and approved, and the minutes were approved as amended.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Mark Fields, N4QLC, provided the Treasurer’s report as of May 31, 2019. A motion was made to approve the treasurer’s report and passed.
CLAY ARES – Clay County Emergency Coordinator Adrian Gray (K4AWG) announced that upcoming events ARES will be supporting include the June 2019 Field Day, to be held on the grounds of Orange Park High School, and encouraged maximum participation. The next monthly Clay ARES meeting will be held the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at Pinewood Christian Academy, Middleburg (July 2, 2019).
HAM TESTING: Rajesh Verma, K4SK, announced Ham Testing would be held during the North Florida Amateur Radio Society (NOFARS) field day activity (on June 22, 2019 at Hogan Baptist Church) and on July 13 at Orange Park Medical Center. Further information on JaxLaurel testing can be found at: or by contacting Mr. Verma directly at
QRP & REPEATER ACTIVITIES – Vice President Ted Jahn, K4YLX, reviewed the format for the twice-monthly (2nd and last Saturday of each month), noting it was an informal gathering with “no rules, no agenda, no dues” and generally included a show-and-tell or presentation. Meetings are generally held at the Clay County Library in Fleming Island, starting at 1 p.m., and lasting approximately two hours, preceded by some participants having lunch at the Fleming Island Panera café.
Mr. Jahn noted that Scott Roberts, KK4ECR, had recently inventoried antennas and equipment at Orange Park Medical Center.
Mr. Jahn said QRP participants would be operating a GOTA (Get On The Air) station during Field Day, had radios and equipment for operation, and would be using battery and solar power for their equipment.
OPARC AUCTION – The President noted the OPARC equipment auction will be held during the August 15 monthly meeting.
FIELD DAY – Field Day Chairman Chuck Helverson, KA3EHA, and Scott Roberts reviewed Field Day activities, noting moving of the trailer to the Field Day site the day prior to Field Day, and “breakfast gathering” Field Day Saturday, site and equipment set-up, formal activities, meals, and break-down. Unlike previous years, OPARC would not be setting up towers, just push-up poles and wiring. Mr. Roberts noted media coverage to date, and expected visits by media and local officials. All Field Day media issues should go through Mr. Roberts.
Safety and security were emphasized, and members were told to bring concerns or issues to the immediate attention of Mr. Helverson, Field Day Chairman, Mr. Roberts, Public Information Officer, or Jeff Kern, KK4URM, Field Day Safety Officer, one of which would always be on-site. Any issues concerning Orange Park High School facilities or equipment should be brought to Mr. Roberts’ attention, and he was designated as the sole contact with school officials. Training / information sessions for the general public would be on-going in the designated classroom.
A review of food and beverage, and expected costs, was provided, and participants encouraged to bring side dishes and desserts, noting that unused funds would be returned to the OPARC treasury. Bob Meadows, W4RRD, suggested providing Military-Ready-to-Eat (MREs) be available; the suggestion was met with general disagreement due to the high cost of MREs.
Mr. Helverson noted that logging equipment was installed on the computers, with back-up USB drives to preclude loss of information as occurred during 2018 Field Day activities. Mr. Jahn explained a function of the GOTA station was to provide people new to ham radio, as well as those not on the air recently, to get on the air as well as demonstrating what could be done with minimal equipment.
Because of expected high temperatures and humidity, hydration was emphasized.
A motion was made and the meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m. for socializing.