May 2019 Meeting Minutes

The Orange Park Amateur Radio Club monthly meeting was held on May 16, 2019 at the Orange Park High School, and was opened by Club President Don Ahlskog, K4EAE.  Twenty-four people were in attendance.

TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Mark Fields, N4QLC, provided the Treasurer’s report.  Mr. Fields said that the insurance bill from the state of Florida had been paid, renewing registration for one of the club’s two trailers, for 1 years.  The club will not renew registration for the second trailer.  He said he needed the license plate from the second trailer to turn in to the state.  Mr. Fields said the bill for the club’s mailbox was paid, now costing $134 per year (representing an 11 percent increase per year).  A motion was made to approve the treasurer’s report and passed.

CLAY ARES – Clay County Emergency Coordinator Adrian Gray (K4AWG) announced that upcoming events ARES will be supporting include the May 21 Striders’ Memorial Day Run, and that ARES is looking for volunteers to support the event.  Information will be posed to the Clay ARES website ( ).  The next monthly Clay ARES meeting will be held the first Tuesday of the month (June 4, 2019) at Pinewood Christian Academy, Middleburg.



FIELD DAY – In the absence of Field Day Chairman Chuck Helverson, KA3EHL (in Dayton for Hamvention), Scott Roberts, KK4ECR, provided information on the upcoming ARRL Field Day, scheduled for June 22-June 23 (annually scheduled for the forth full weekend in June). 

Mr. Roberts said permission had been given for use of Orange Park High School facilities, the same used during the 2018 Field Day, including a room in the main building for “food”, and two separate rooms, outside, radio and other activities.  Mr. Roberts said school officials requested the club have one Point of Contact, and that he will serve as the POC, to avoid confusion and the potential for phone calls to multiple school officials, as happened during the 2018 Field Day.

Mr. Roberts emphasized that Field Day is an Open House event, open to the public.  A Field Day flyer will be available for downloading at: (the website was not operational at the time of the meeting).  Mr. Roberts encouraged OPARC members to “invite people”.  He noted that during Field Day, OPARC members should “Be there, dress presentable (as a face to the public and the media), be positive, be friendly, and participate” in the various activities.  Mr. Roberts said that volunteers would be needed for the Friday night pre-Field Day set-up.

Regarding “handling the media”, Field Day participants should “be positive, be polite, smile, and answer questions that are asked”, not to unnecessarily provide information not requested, to avoid giving misinformation.

There will be GOTA (Get On The Air) stations available, and that a GOTA “coach” will be needed during GOTA operations.  Computers will be available with N3FJP software for logging purposes.  Two fire extinguishers and “caution” tape will be on site.  The venue will have solar panels available for “natural power”.  A photographer will be needed to record Field Day activities.

A sign-up sheet will be posted to the OPARC website in the upcoming week.

Mr. Helverson will check coax cables and generators after his return from Dayton. 

During discussion concerning on-site food during Field Day, Jake Jacobs, K5WTA, suggested freeze-dried food be available to reflect the “emergency operation” activities.  The suggestion was met with general disagreement.  Roberta will oversee food activities, and Mr. Roberts made a motion to allocate $400 for food and beverages, with money not spent to be returned to the treasury.  The motion was passed.  All Field Day participants should each bring side dish.

A suggestion was made (Carl) that Field Day non-participants could provide propagation checks and other radio support from their homes.  Members agreed this should be encouraged.  The President noted help will be needed to tune antennas, and that participants would find this to be a useful training activity.

Mr. Roberts said that, as in previous years, members taking part in June 22 pre-Field Day set-up activities could meet at Grumpy’s restaurant (834 Kingsley Ave, Orange Park) at 9 a.m. for breakfast, after which they will go to Orange Park High School.

2019 CHRISTMAS PARTY – Mark Fields said that the club has been given space at Highpoint Community Church, 84 Knight Boxx Road, Orange Park, to hold the annual Christmas Party.  A committee will be needed to coordinate party activities.  Further information will be provided at a later date.

No QRP and Repeater updates were given, nor a Ham Testing update due to the absence of appropriate representatives.

A motion was made and the meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. for socializing.